M2Bob Bot Hilesi Ücretsiz Sürüm v10.9.1 indir

M2Bob Bedava 2021 indir
M2Bob Bot Hilesi Ücretsiz Sürüm indir – v10.9.1

M2Bob bot hilesi indir son zamanlar da en çok talep gören ve arama motorlarında en sık aranan metin2 hileleri arasında yer alıyor. Bu yoğun talebin ardından oyunun sevenleri için m2bob ücretsiz sürüm paylaşıyoruz ve bu hile ile daha kolay ve eğlenceli bir oyun keyfi amaçlanıyor. Son zamanların en çok talep gören metin2 hilesi otomatik kasılma özelliğine sahip olan en gelişmiş bot hilesidir. Bu özelliği kullanan kullanıcılar oyunda şüphesiz ki çok daha kolay seviye atlamaktadır. Metin2 oyunun m2bob hilesinin özellikleri; levelbot, otomatik toplama hilesi olan yang hilesi, metin2 çekme hilesi, otomatik  vuruş hilesi, otomatik pot, hızlı koşma, vurma hilesi, gm dedektörü hilesi, exp bağışı hilesi ve metin taşı dedektörü gibi bir çok özelliği bünyesinde bulunduran bu yazılım metin2 bot hilesi olarak bilinir.

M2Bob Ücretsiz Sürüm indir, diğer metin2 hileleri yazılımlarına aksine geniş özellikleri ve göz alıcı tasarım seçenekleriyle kullanıcılar için özenle hazırlanmış bir metin2 tr hile yazılımıdır. Birçok levelbot gibi özellikleriyle muazzam bir metin2 hilesi olduğunu bilmenizi isterim. M2Bob Sizlere, Tek Tıklama İle Exp, Para, İtem, İstridye, BK Vesaire Kazanmanızı Sağlar! Siz bilgisayar başında yok iken 7/24 Level, Fish, Buff, Metin (BK), Shop (Pazar Botu), Switch (PVP-Server) imkanları sunar!

  • Metin2 GF (TR) ve P-server sunucularında sorunsuz çalışmaktadır.

Botun premium sürümünü deneyebilmeniz için aşağıdaki saatler boyunca M2Bob Premium ÜCRETSİZDİR:
13:00 – 14:00 UTC (Eşgüdümlü Evrensel Zaman)
15:00 – 16:00 Orta Avrupa Saati (DE, PL, IT, vb.)
16:00 – 17:00 Doğu Avrupa Saati (Romanya, Yunanistan, vb.)
16:00 – 17:00 Türkiye / Rusya (Moskova) Saati

GÜNCEL SÜRÜM: v10.9.1 [11.06.2021]

Virüs Tarama Sonuçlarıİndirme Linkleri
VirustotalM2Bob Patcher indir

M2Bob Ücretsiz Sürüm Kullanımı

  1. Hileyi indirin ve kurulumu yapın.
  2. Kurulumdan çıkan dosyaya girin.
  3. M2bob patcher.exe‘yi çalıştırın ve yüklemesini bekleyin.
  4. Bittikten sonra kendinize m2bob.net adresinden bir hesap açın.
  5. Daha sonra m2bob.exe açıp giriş yapın ve bir hata verecek
  6. Sizi adf.ly sitesine yönlendirecek oradan reklamı geç deyin.
  7. Sonra tekrar bir site açılacak ordan 100mb’lik dosyayı indirin.
  8. Daha sonra indirdiğiniz 100mb’lik dosyayı m2bob yanına atın.
  9. M2bob.exe açın id şifrenizi girin ve bota giriş yapın.
  10. Metin2client.bin seçip “continue” deyin ve gelen hatalara ellemeyin.
  11. Daha sonra botu açın ve dilediğiniz gibi kullanın.

M2Bob Ücretsiz Sürüm İndirme Linkleri

Turbobit: M2Bob Bot Hilesi Ücretsiz Sürüm v10.9.1 indir
Uploaded: M2Bob Bot Hilesi Ücretsiz Sürüm v10.9.1 indir
Alternatif: M2Bob Bot Hilesi Ücretsiz Sürüm v10.9.1 indir

Hilenin virüs tarama sonuçları: virustotal

Uyarı: Şu anda Windows Defender’ın M2Bob’u kötü amaçlı yazılım olarak yanlış algılamasıyla ilgili bazı sorunlar var, bu nedenle hatalarınız varsa devre dışı bırakmanız gerekiyor. Bunu önümüzdeki günlerde düzeltmeyi deneyeceğiz.

M2Bob Ücretsiz Sürüm Değişiklikler (Changelogs)

# Güncelleştirme v10.9.1 [11.06.2021] YENİ SÜRÜM!
- M2bob, en yeni Metin2 istemcisine uygun bir şekilde güncellendi
- Fixed bug where bot would hang at a map-reload (he will now kick himself to the Loginscreen if stuck longer than 10 seconds at map reload)

# Güncelleştirme v10.9 [10.06.2021]
- Added new Fishbot mode: Instant Fishing
-- Bot will be fishing very fast and skips the minigame
-- Activate it in the "Fish" tab at the top
-- Only works on GF Servers
-- You can set the pause time between two fishing actions with "Botdelay"
- Launcher now expands in increments of 6 Clients (less clicking to increase clients)
- Botmode (Levelbot, Fishbot, etc.) will now be loaded when saving/loading settings in General tab
- Fixed bug with empty Pickuplist
- Fixed PServer: ClassicMt2.en
- Fixed PServer: CarolineMt2.pl
- Fixed PServer: Rubria2
- Anında Balık Tutma hızı örneği: https://gyazo.com/b6343c56ff75373df05e5234f8ba0bde

# Güncelleştirme v10.8.11 [02.06.2021]
- Added feature: Duel of the Seers auto-quest click (you can find it at the "Event" option in the General tab)
-- You must enter a part of the quest name here: For example in english seers or in turkish kahin
- Added separate options for Quick Char-Changer and Quick CH-Changer/Login
- Quick CH-Login is now also tried if bot got kicked during Char-Change
- Added option for Waithack Range setting in "Location" box (same as with strength)
- Fixed PServer: Mt2Classic.en
- Fixed PServer: Rubria2
- Fixed PServer: Xardeas.pl
- Fixed PServer: ArtOfMetin2

# Güncelleştirme v10.8.10 [26.05.2021]
- Added feature Quick CH-Change (Beta, works on GF+Steam and most PServers)
-- To use it, just enable the Checkbox on the General tab "Quicklogin"
-- This Checkbox now also replaces the previous QuickLogin setting from the "GF Login options" window
- Fixed PServer: Tastria.pl
- Fixed PServer: Mt2Classic.en (first Autologin after start doesnt work, but after a Kick Autologin works)
- Fixed bug with transfering items in Shopbot tab "Inv1 --> Inv2"
- Bot will now prioritize Arrows if needed and buy them first and potions afterwards

# Güncelleştirme v10.8.9 [21.05.2021]
- Redesigned the Launcher Interface slightly: Options and Quickstart are now moved to the left, use the arrows on the top left to access them
- Added option to recognize Steam mail verification as ban (GF login option): With this you can let M2Bob automatically continue with a new account
- The Gameforge Client will now be hidden when automatically generating a new Logincode using it
- Waithack Speed will now be set to 1.1 if using a Ninja with bow and having it at 2.0 or above
- Added experimental function "Disable Render Game": This can be used to save CPU but it will look a bit buggy. The buggy look is normal, ignore it.
- Fixed bug where the character would walk to the fisherman if he needs arrows
- Fixed bug with buying multiple arrows despite still having one
- Character slot will now be reset to 0 when starting with an auto-created account
- You can now also use the format "email|password" for accountlist_gf.ini. The ID will then be the mail part before "@"
- Added function "Exit bot if finished switching item"
- Fixed multiple bugs with Alchemy Character changer
- Fixed multiple bugs with Alchemy Cor counting (+last time shard collected is now also displayed)
- Fixed multiple bugs with Alchemy Quest recieve
- Fixed bug in feature "walk in circle"
- Fixed bug with young hero weapon feature "only use when previous expired"
- Loading settings from the General Tab will now also load the Pickuplist

# Güncelleştirme v10.8.8 [12.05.2021]
- Added Ninja automatic buy and use of arrows (24h / 7day)
- Added Ninja young hero get bow function if more than 100k yang
-- To use this, set the dropdown-box to the weapon he should use at the beginning, and when he has above 100k then he will override that setting and always get bow
- Improved GF Login: Reduced occurance of error "Error logging in to Gameforge Client account"
- Launcher now shows current character slot
- Added "Open Logfile between account x and y" button in Launcher at the top
- Added QuickLogin option for character change in bot (General Tab)
- Improved stability of Rangepickup and Waithack (Teleport Step setting added, improved default values)
- Improved window hide (hides faster after restart)
- Fixed bugs with buying potions and detecting full inventory

# Güncelleştirme v10.8.7 [06.05.2021]
- Added new GF Login Technique
-- M2Bob will start the GF Client automatically, readout a Logincode#1 and close it again (100% automatic)
-- Therefore it works good as with manual Logincodes, but also automatic
-- You can disable this feature in "GF login options" if you dont need it
-- You can also use proxyfier with this method, you must set rules per botting slot for gfclient.exe and SparkWebHelper.exe, example: gfclient.exe_1, SparkWebHelper.exe_1, gfclient.exe_2, SparkWebHelper.exe_2, etc.
- If activated, young hero weapon will now be equipped at level x9 to prevent losing the weapon
- Bot will now pause counting time since last cor collected when in low profile (instead of resetting it)
- Bot will now reload the map if NPC not found (applies to all NPC interactions)
- Added item transfer delay at function "Inv1 --> Inv2"
- Fixed PServer: Ancient2.tr
- Fixed PServer: ROP2.ro

# Güncelleştirme v10.8.6 [30.04.2021]
- Added Ninja Bow Waithack
-- Active if a "B" is seen at the Waithack General Tab Box (automatic if you have a bow equipped)
-- You must set Waithack Speed to 1.0x for this mode (higher speeds do not work for Bow)
-- You can set Range and Monster count very high (max.) without kicks
- All features are now disabled for a few seconds after relogging (improves stability)
- "Only pickup own items" also picks up yang now (you can ignore it if you dont want it)
- Fixed some bugs with "automatic Hide/Show window"
- Added option to set a random delay at Energybot
- Launcher will now show the client slots that have been closed because of AntiBan
- Fixed bug with character change if dead
- Bot will reuse the old Login request if server is down (prevents red ban error at maintenance)

# Güncelleştirme v10.8.5 [26.04.2021]
- Improved Login on GF Servers
- Added some bugfixes in talking to Alchemist
 now waits a few seconds before starting attack after a crash (more stability)
- Fixed errors "dumping serverlist" and "client might be outdated" on PServers
- Fixed language bug with Texts suddenly appearing in german for some users
- You can now set random waiting delays in the Energybot (might help for antiban)
- "Only pick own items" now also picks up yang (you can set it to "ignore" in the list if you dont want that)

# Güncelleştirme v10.8.4 [14.04.2021]
- Fixed location change issues in Farmbot
- Teleport 75m map edge check added
- Wait after npc interaction added
- Wait until shop/alchemist checked before starting waithack
- Bot now waits with some actions a few seconds (Waithack, StatusUp, etc.)
- When walking to an NPC a check is in place now to see if the character is close enough
- Start Waithack at x and goto y after z seconds is now also activated when in low profile mode

# Güncelleştirme v10.8.3 [29.03.2021]
- M2bob, en yeni Metin2 istemcisine uygun bir şekilde güncellendi
- All changes from Testversion #1 - #13

# Güncelleştirme v10.8.2 [16.03.2021]
- Improved crash stability on GF Servers (framedrop crash)
- Added feature to move in small teleport steps instead of walking (requested by users, may help improving stability)
- Fixed an issue with Login "Please choose a channel"
- Waithack, Pickup, Mobpuller, Skills and Moblock are now disabled while teleporting and during a restart
- Teleporting away a bit before walking now also works when changing location in Levelbot or Farmbot
- Added more randomness to many functions (random delays)

# Güncelleştirme v10.8.1 [12.03.2021]
- Testversion regarding bans
-- Please use this version with worthless accounts only before more feedback is known
-- Make sure to use a new account and a new IP when using it if you want to get good test results
- Added feature to be able to teleport away a bit before walking to the shop (prevents lags)
- Fixed issue with getting skills below level 5
- Waithack, Pickup, Mobpuller and Moblock are now disabled while teleporting
- Added StatusUp to Farmbot
- Fixed GF Client start click issue

# Güncelleştirme v10.8 [09.03.2021]
- Fixed GF automatic Login (you do not need to have the GF Client open in the background anymore)
- Added feature to set Login groups for GF accounts (optional).
-- This imitates different HWIDs for different accounts and can help you if you use too many GF login accounts at the same time with the same IP.
-- Without setting a login group, every account has its own HWID.
- Feature "Start Waithack at value x and set to value y after z seconds without kick" now also resets when character died
- Fixed login errors when using a manual Steam Client
- Added option to disable the "stealth" activation of aura and strong body
- Fixed some bugs with AutoEQ (Level 1 weapon), if you still have bugs, please give us more infos about how to reproduce this
- Fixed PServer: Ancient2.de
- Fixed PServer: Leya2.pl
- Fixed PServer: SunshineMt2.de

# Güncelleştirme v10.7.10 [04.03.2021]
- Fixed Steam Login Errors
- Added feature "Start Waithack at value x and set to value y after z seconds without kick", after kick it will be set to value x again: WaithackRange problem kick solved
- Added feature to set if a certain client should login with the GF Client Mode or Logincode Mode (GF login options)
- Python loader checkbox is now saved per account
- Improved Teleport (small improve) by having 3 seconds of waiting time before teleporting again
- Added Yang Pickup range separate option
- Minigames (okey, catch king) time settings are now saved
- Fixed a bug in alchemy where wrong characters were displayed
- Location settings now also support character change (e.g. from level 30 --> level 1 char)

# Güncelleştirme v10.7.9 [28.02.2021]
- Logincode #2 is now not needed anymore on GF Servers (still need to keep GF Client and one Metin window open in the background to prevent login errors)
- Added option to use FastRelog (GF login options at the bottom of the Launcher). This way you dont get any red ban errors after a kick / char change: Anti DC Auto Login/Fast Login
- Added AntiBan function to change CH if bot is in low profile mode for more than x minutes: AntiBan changes the position / channel after x minute / Skill Usage and Attack
- Fixed bug with AntiBan changing CH if bot is not running: CH auch wenn Bot nicht aktiv
- Added option to set a random delay for minigames (Okey, Catchking, etc.)

# Güncelleştirme v10.7.8 [23.02.2021]
- M2bob, en yeni Metin2 istemcisine uygun bir şekilde güncellendi
- Fixed bug with Alchemy char changer not resetting "cor last collected time"

# Güncelleştirme v10.7.7 [22.02.2021]
- Added feature to set a time how long to wait if Steam login fails (GF login options)
- Fixed bug with "shows the total value of your shop"
- Added Won in Info Panel
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Fun.ro
- Fixed PServer: Alon2.ro
- Fixed PServer: Anoria2.de (Must use Manual Mode)
- Fixed PServer: Pangea2.pl
- Fixed PServer: Glevia2.pl Fishbot (now works 100%)
- Fixed PServer: Astra2.tr (must try it a few times if it doesnt work)

# Güncelleştirme v10.7.6 [18.02.2021]
- M2bob, en yeni Metin2 istemcisine uygun bir şekilde güncellendi
- Fixed Catch the King on GF Servers
- Fixed Cheat Blocker Error at start for some users: Die angegebene Prozedur wurde nicht gefunden..... Cheatblocker 2600cb
- Fixed Bug "Error dumping serverlist": Error Dumping Serverlist (video)
- Added option to say if the character should attack Metins/bosses outside of the Range in Levelbot or not
- Shopbot now shows the total value of your shop
- Added "Hide" and "Show" buttons in the Bot window (General tab)

# Güncelleştirme v10.7.5 [14.02.2021]
- Fixed Bug "Please check if the Game did start" on GF Servers
- Fixed more bugs with the Alchemy Character changer
- M2Bob Launcher Viewmode fixed
- Fixed bug with "Start Account after ban"
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Fun.ro
- Fixed PServer: Avenor2.de (Must use Manual Mode)
- Fixed PServer: Alon2.ro
- Fixed PServer: Anoria2.de (Must use Manual Mode)
- Fixed PServer: Yumano3.de (Must use Manual Mode)
- Fixed PServer: Zeros2.de
- Fixed PServer: Ashia2 Reborn
- Fixed PServer: Adara2.tr
- Fixed PServer: Kevra2.pl GM Detector

# Güncelleştirme v10.7.4 [11.02.2021]
- Fixed a bug with the Alchemy Character changer: Character change - alchemist's mistake
- Waithack and Pickup will now be disabled when the bot is changing the character
- Removed the MessageBox when the Steam Login fails too often (M2Bob will retry automatically)
- Fixed a bug with the Start/Stop Manager: "BAN" text in the slot.
- Character creator: When an error occurs, the bot shows the slot and name of the character that failed to create
- Added Scroll bars for both directions (if your monitor is too small): Can't see all the slots, can you help me?
- Pickup Range is now changeable with a scroll bar
- Pickuprange and Waithackrange are now shown on the Minimap when changed

# Güncelleştirme v10.7.3 [10.02.2021]
- Update for Steam Login, M2Bob will now wait a bit longer before trying to relog (10, 40, 80 or 120 seconds instead of 3)
- Added feature in bot "character changer" in Alchemy: This enables you to change characters without having todo relogs in the Loginscreen (BETA)
- Fixed Errors with the Gameforge Client Mode where the bot would show an error after Metin started

# Güncelleştirme v10.7.2 [06.02.2021]
- Fixed Errors on Steam Login (M2Bob will now retry todo Login on Steam after 5 seconds if an error occured)
- Fixed Error Message when logging it with a manual Steam Account
- Fixed PServer: Tamidia2.pl
- Fixed PServer: Astra2.tr (some features like Waithack Range dont work)
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Fun.ro
- Fixed PServer: Calliope2.ro
- Fixed PServer: Origins2.ro
- Fixed PServer: Alon2.ro
- Fixed PServer: Metin2.ie / Ancient2.de
- Fixed PServer: Anoria2.de (must use Manual Mode for Login!)
- Fixed PServer: Yumano3.de (must use Manual Mode for Login!, ignore Error Messages)
- Fixed PServer: Glevia2.pl Fishbot

# Güncelleştirme v10.7.1 [04.02.2021]
- Added feature for GF Client Mode "Only use if no Logincode #2 set" that will only use the GF mode for accounts that dont have a Logincode #2 saved
-- Therefore you can now use a combination of Logincode#2, GF Client Mode and Steam at the same time while botting
- Fixed bug with 'i' for users with a turkish keyboard

# Güncelleştirme v10.7 [03.02.2021]
- Added the new "Gameforge Client Mode"
-- In this mode, M2Bob will automatially start Clients using the GF Client
-- The Gameforge Client window must be open and logged in with the desired GF Mail for this to work
-- M2Bob can switch between different account names, but they all must be in the same GF Mail
-- You must set your windows system setting "text size and layout" to 100% for this to work
-- No Logincodes are needed, and also no RedBar bans should happen (Red Bar errors can happen if you have too many accounts logged in at the same GF Account, but only the same as for normal Metin players)
-- For further infos, look to our small HowTo at the bottom
- Fixed bug with dumping Serverlist
- Fixed bug "another instance of the bot is already open" after setup

# Güncelleştirme v10.6.5 [01.02.2021]
- Update for new Metin2 Gameforge Version

# Güncelleştirme v10.6.4 [27.01.2021]
- Added new temporary(!!) manual starting mode (can be used on GF and PServers), more infos below
- Added new Steam Test technique (more infos below)
- Fixed PServer: Alon2.ro
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Fun.ro
- Fixed PServer: Glevia2.pl Fishbot
- Fixed PServer: Kevra2.pl (some features dont work)
- Fixed PServer: Metin2ETH.ro
- Fixed PServer: Anoria2.de (must use new manual mode)
- Fixed PServer: ArtOfMetin2.ro

# Güncelleştirme v10.6.3_S [21.01.2021]
- Added Steam HWID Spoofer
We are releasing a Steam test version today evening :)
This Version will be generating a different HWID for every single client according to the Steam Username.

# Güncelleştirme v10.6.3 [20.01.2021]
- Fix for the GF Client Login
- This version is (aside from the new Login fix) identical to the Login from 10.5.9

# Güncelleştirme v10.6.2 [19.01.2021]
- Fix for the GF Client Login
- This version is (aside from the new Login fix) identical to the Login from 10.5.9

# Güncelleştirme v10.6.1 [16.01.2021]
- Fixed the Steam Login Error some users have

# Güncelleştirme v10.6 [15.01.2021]
- GF Sunucuları için Steam Çoklu Hesap Desteği Eklendi
- Fixed PServer: Arthira2.de
- Fixed PServer: Duomt2.tr
- Fixed PServer: Avenor2.de
- Fixed PServer: Kayra2.tr
- Fixed PServer: PandoraMt2.pl

# Güncelleştirme v10.5.13 [07.01.2021]
- M2bob, en yeni Metin2 istemcisine uygun bir şekilde güncellendi

# Güncelleştirme v10.5.12 [03.01.2021]
- Fixed PServer: HikariMt2.de
- Fixed PServer: XenoxMt2.de
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Fun.ro
- Fixed PServer: Nexus2.de

# Güncelleştirme v10.5.11 [30.12.2020]
- M2Bob'un premium sürümünü 27/12/2020 ve 02/01/2021, 23:59 tarihleri arasında herkese ücretsiz olacak şekilde kullanabilirsiniz
- CH-Changer now also works if the character is hitting a Metin in Levelbot and is outside of the Level-Range
- Fixed PServer: HikariMt2.de
- Fixed PServer: Akeno2
- Fixed PServer: Kuba2.de
- Fixed PServer: Alon2
- Fixed PServer: Maylin2.de
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Alaska

# Güncelleştirme v10.5.10 [20.12.2020]
- Next test version for new GF login codes
-- While we think it's safe, we still suggest you to not login with too worthful accounts at first
-- Please dont forget to remove the "use manual codes for login" option in case you have that enabled
- Fixed PServer: Metin2.ie
- Fixed PServer: Gantia2.pl
- Fixed PServer: HikariMt2.de
- Fixed PServer: Alaska2.ro
- Fixed PServer: NorsMt2.tr
- Fixed PServer: Worea2.fr Pickup

# Güncelleştirme v10.5.9 [15.12.2020]
- Version for new GF login codes
- Fixed PServer: Arthira2.de
- Fixed PServer: KafkasMt2.tr
- Fixed PServer: Velia2.de
- Fixed PServer: SunshineMt2.de
- Fixed PServer: Zaos2.de
- Fixed PServer: HikariMt2.de
- Fixed PServer: Alaska2.ro

# Güncelleştirme v10.5.8 [05.12.2020]
- Fixed bugs with Auto-EQ, buying potions and stacking inventory on GF Servers (caused by serverside item delay)
- Fixed PServer: Arthira2.de
- Fixed PServer: Alon2.ro

# Güncelleştirme v10.5.7 [03.12.2020]
- M2bob, en yeni Metin2 istemcisine uygun bir şekilde güncellendi
- M2Bob will now automatically set "Effects" to None on GF Servers to avoid lagging while using Waithack
- Accounts with a RedBar Error will now not be started anymore using the Start/Stop Manager until you remove this flag manually
- Fixed Fishbot rotation bug on GF Servers
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Fun.ro
- Fixed PServer: Demetra2
- Fixed PServer: KafkasMt2.tr Farmbot
- Fixed PServer: NItemGold.cz

# Güncelleştirme v10.5.6 [02.12.2020]
- Accounts getting a ban or a RedBar login error will now show this on the window title. You can remove this just by deleting the Nickname in the Launcher Login Settings window
- Fixed PServer: Metin2.SG mount bug
- Fixed PServer: Velia2.de
- Fixed PServer: Akeno2.de
- Fixed PServer: ERubin2.pl
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Fun.ro
- Fixed PServer: KafkasMt2.tr
- Fixed PServer: Zaos.tr

# Güncelleştirme v10.5.5 [26.11.2020]
- M2bob, en yeni Metin2 istemcisine uygun bir şekilde güncellendi

# Güncelleştirme v10.5.4 [25.11.2020]
- Added feature "also detect red bar error as a ban" in the Launcher Start/Stop Manager window. You can use this if you want to for example close all clients if one client gets red bar login error
- When a red bar login error is detected, the target client will now close itself instead of restarting over and over again
- Fixed PServer: Velia2.de
- Fixed PServer: Akeno2.de
- Fixed PServer: Arthira2.de
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Fun.ro
- Fixed PServer: Sepherion2.de
- Fixed PServer: Metin2NewHunter.ro
- Fixed PServer: Worea2.fr
- Fixed PServer: Worea2.ro
- Fixed PServer: Valeria2.tr

# Güncelleştirme v10.5.3 [18.11.2020]
- Fixed bug with "camera rotation setting not saved"
- Fixed PServer: AgeOfMenor Fishbot
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Fun.ro
- Fixed PServer: Akeno2.de
- Fixed PServer: Velia2.de
- Fixed PServer: Athira2,.de
- Fixed PServer: Euphora2.es
- Fixed PServer: Tastria2.pl
- Fixed PServer: Mazi2.tr

# Güncelleştirme v10.5.2 [12.11.2020]
- Added feature "rotate camera while botting" in general tab. This can be used to prevent screen freeze for example in the Shopbot
- Fixed bug in the Python Loader not saving "exec" timer settings
- Character name is now updated when using Quick Char-Change
- Shopbot now continues faster if a shop "is still being prepared"
- Fixed PServer: Ashia2.cz
- Fixed PServer: Worea2.fr
- Fixed PServer: Alba3.es
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Novels.ae
- Fixed PServer: Arbitium
- Fixed PServer: Valkyria2
- Fixed PServer: Velia2
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Fun.ro
- Fixed PServer: OldFun.ro

# Güncelleştirme v10.5.1 [05.11.2020]
- M2bob, en yeni Metin2 istemcisine uygun bir şekilde güncellendi
- Fixed PServer: Apollon2
- Fixed PServer: Ekstasia2
- Fixed PServer: Asopus2.ro

# Güncelleştirme v10.5.0 [03.11.2020]
- Added new GF Login options (button at the bottom of the Launcher)
-- You can now use multiple Metin accounts per one Gameforge Account. For this just enter the same Mail and PW but a different ID. Therefore you can bundle accounts using the same IP if you want
-- By default M2Bob will generate a different login code for every slot automatically (best for most users), but you can set manual login codes which you did readout from the Gameforge Client
-- You can set a Login delay between two logins (this also applies when a clients gets kick, not only for the initial start)
-- You can tell M2Bob to use the file cefBrowser.dat_x for generating the login codes (more information at the ?-Button)
- Added to the Tutorial: [HOWTO] Fix Gameforge Login the info to delete the folder "C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Gameforge4d"
- Fixed PServer: Sepherion2.de
- Fixed PServer: ClassicMt2.pl GM detect
- Fixed PServer: Valkyria2
- Fixed PServer: Calliope2.ro
- Fixed PServer: Galia2 PM issue
- Fixed PServer: Worea2.fr
- Fixed PServer: Astra2.tr

# Güncelleştirme v10.4.9 [30.10.2020]
- Improvements on Gameforge Login Errors
- Fixed PServer: ClassicMt2.pl (GM Detector not fully working yet)
- Fixed PServer: Arbitium2

# Güncelleştirme v10.4.8 [26.10.2020]
- Fixed Kick issues on GF servers when hitting certain monsters

# Güncelleştirme v10.4.7 [24.10.2020]
- Fix for Login on GF Servers, have a look at this tutorial:
- Fixed PServer: Helkyos.ro
- Fixed PServer: Arbitium2.de
- Fixed PServer: Chaser2.tr
- Fixed PServer: Valkyria
- Fixed PServer: Asopus2.ro

# Güncelleştirme v10.4.6 [20.10.2020]
- Fix for Login on GF Servers
- Fixed PServer: Arbitium2

# Güncelleştirme v10.4.5 [19.10.2020]
- Update for Login on GF Servers
- Test version to fix the kicks on GF Servers when walking / Waithack (not 100% sure if it works)
- Fixed PServer: Valkyria
- Fixed PServer: Galia2
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Fun
- Fixed PServer: PangeaMt2.pl Autologin
- Fixed PServer: Ateris2.ro
- Fixed PServer: Arbitium2

# Güncelleştirme v10.4.4 [17.10.2020]
- Fixed login errors on GF Servers
- Fixed PServer: Dracarys2 Autologin
- Fixed PServer: Arsenis2
- Fixed PServer: Lena2.tr

# Güncelleştirme v10.4.3 [13.10.2020]
- M2bob, en yeni Metin2 istemcisine uygun bir şekilde güncellendi
- Fixed Yutnori Bot
- Fixed PServer: AgeOfMenor2
- Fixed PServer: Galia2
- Fixed PServer: Arbitium2
- Fixed PServer: Calliope2.ro
- Fixed PServer: NovaMetin2
- Fixed PServer: Ekstasia
- Fixed PServer: Lena2.tr

# Güncelleştirme v10.4.2 [05.10.2020]
- Fixed bugs with the feature to start clients on GF Servers faster (simultaneous start)
- Added Info in Shopsearch on how many Shops are being scanned
- Farmbot has now different CH settings for Antiban and Farmbot Track CH-Change
- Fixed bug on GF Servers when using a Metin folder from a different country ("yy was created instead")
- Fixed a bug where the Login Window doesnt close after dumping Serverlist
- Fixed PServer: Pangea2 Fishbot
- Fixed PServer: RitaMt2.tr
- Fixed PServer: Helkyos2.ro

# Güncelleştirme v10.4.1 [29.09.2020]
- Added feature to start clients on GF Servers faster (simultaneous start). You can turn it off or on in the Launcher at the bottom (show 12 Clients to see it)
- Fixed PServer: Xaleas2
- Fixed PServer: Pangea2 Fishbot
- Fixed PServer: Vednar2.pl Fishbot
- Fixed PServer: Apollon2
- Fixed PServer: Lena2.tr
- Fixed PServer: Leriya2.de
- Fixed PServer: NewWorld2.fr
- Fixed PServer: Dracarys2

# Güncelleştirme v10.4 [24.09.2020]
- M2bob, en yeni Metin2 istemcisine uygun bir şekilde güncellendi
- Added feature to start clients on GF Servers faster (simultaneous start)
- Added feature to change how often the character should donate EXP
- Fixed PServer: Rodnia2.ro
- Fixed PServer: Orchid2.ro
- Fixed PServer: Wardia2.pl
- Fixed PServer: Dracarys2
- Fixed PServer: Xaleas2 Login

# Güncelleştirme v10.3.11 [16.09.2020]
- Fixed PServer: Ekstasia2.de
- Fixed PServer: WarRage2
- Fixed PServer: NewWorld2
- Fixed PServer: Apollon2
- Fixed PServer: Dracarya2
- Fixed PServer: Xaleas
- Fixed PServer: Daichi2.de Farmbot

# Güncelleştirme v10.3.10 [10.09.2020]
- Fixed an error where the Login Data was not saved correctly when automatically creating a new account (GF)
- Fixed an error with a bugged character slot when automatically creating a new account (GF)
- Fixed PServer: Daichi2.de
- Fixed PServer: Yonia2
- Fixed PServer: Apollon2.de
- Fixed PServer: M2Old

# Güncelleştirme v10.3.9 [08.09.2020]
- Updated M2Bob for newest Metin2 GF Version 20.4
- Fixed bugs in the Launcher Metin-Logindata Window
- Fixed PServer: Apollon2.de
- Fixed PServer: Foreign Legion Waithack

# Güncelleştirme v10.3.8 [03.09.2020]
- Fixed PServer: Rodnia2
- Fixed PServer: Foreign Legion
- Fixed PServer: Aeldra (Waithack works but Client crashes from time to time) (Startup improved, so it logins faster now)
- Fixed PServer: Daichi2 Waithack
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Alaska
- Fixed PServer: Intikam2.tr
- Fixed PServer: ArabWorld2.ae
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Fun
- Fixed PServer: Apollon2.de

# Güncelleştirme v10.3.7 [26.08.2020]
- Fixed broken account creator for GF Servers
- Fixed PServer: Aeldra Rangepickup(ban risk) + MobPuller
- Fixed PServer: Apollon2.de
- Fixed PServer: DracarysMt2
- Fixed PServer: Vednar2.pl
- Fixed PServer: Xaleas2

# Güncelleştirme v10.3.6 [21.08.2020]
- Fixed PServer: NovaMetin2
- Fixed PServer: Jeri2.tr
- Fixed PServer: GoldenEra2.ro
- Fixed PServer: Aeldra (MobPuller/Waithack not working for now)

# Güncelleştirme v10.3.5 [12.08.2020]
- Fixed bug with item list of items to be always/never sold
- Added a Notification Icon when a PM is recieved
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Battle.ae
- Fixed PServer: Xaleas2
- Fixed PServer: Vidgar2.pl
- Fixed PServer: Jotuns
- Fixed PServer: Apollon
- Fixed PServer: Daichi (einige Features gehen nicht, die werden vmtl. nachgereicht)

# Güncelleştirme v10.3.4 [06.08.2020]
- Speedup fo the startup process (waiting time before the bot window opens after getting ingame)
- "Max: 10" speed setting is saved now for MobOnClick and Waithack
- Fixed PServer: Morpheus2.ro (initial login doesnt work, login after kick does work)
- Fixed PServer: DracarysMt2
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Eternity
- Fixed PServer: Enedia2.es
- Fixed PServer: Metin2NewDays
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Battle.ae

# Güncelleştirme v10.3.3 [31.07.2020]
- Waithack şimdi de Yay ile Ninjalar üzerinde çalışıyor (çok ok lazım)
- Fixed Server: Metin2 Brazil
- Fixed PServer: Enedia2
- Fixed PServer: Metin2NewDays
- Fixed PServer: Demera2
- Fixed PServer: Apollo2
- Fixed PServer: Arnold2.tr

# Güncelleştirme v10.3.2 [24.07.2020]
- Fixed the bug freezing the bot window
- The function "wait x ms after killing a metin" is now working on PServers too
- Changed the Waithack so it hits the monsters better. If you want to have stable settings, do not put the range higher than 20!
- Added function in Waithack "hit all monsters from a group at once": This reduces kicks, but might increase CPU usage/crashes
- Fixed PServer: Sepherion2

# Güncelleştirme v10.3.1 [22.07.2020]
- Changed Waithack, it should work better now and cause less kicks
-- Make sure to set the range not too high when using it, else you still might get kicks
-- On Ninjas, you can use it on very high speeds on GF Servers too
- Fixed some stability issues to prevent crashes (might be not perfect yet)
- Fixed PServer: NovaMetin2
- Fixed PServer: Jesia2.tr Farmbot
- Fixed PServer: Janti2.tr
- Fixed PServer: Rast2.tr

# Güncelleştirme v10.3 [19.07.2020]
- Added new Waithack functions (BETA):
-- You can change the Speed and Range in the General tab, the number of monsters can be changed in the attack tab. All settings apply for Waithack (General Tab) and PullerAttack (Attack Tab)
-- On GF Servers you must be careful that you have the right weapon for your speed setting, Ninjas can use higher Waithack Speeds than Warriors
-- New algorithm which is hitting closeby monsters first and prevents monsters from standing next to you and killing you
-- Waithack now is hitting all monsters from one monster group at once
-- You can choose to only hit Metins with the Waithack
-- You can set the max. number of Monsters in the attack tab to "max." if you want all monsters in your range to be hit

# Güncelleştirme v10.2.10_3 [17.07.2020]
- Fixed bug with Login taking very long

# Güncelleştirme v10.2.10_2 [16.07.2020]
- Fixed Defender Detection
- Fixed "Error dumping Serverlist" Error
- Fixed some high CPU usage bugs

# Güncelleştirme v10.2.10 [15.07.2020]
- M2bob, en yeni Metin2 istemcisine uygun bir şekilde güncellendi
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Farm.tr
- Fixed PServer: Apollon2.ro
- Fixed PServer: NovaMetin2
- Fixed PServer: Jesia2.tr
- Fixed PServer: PhilliaSophia2.tr

# Güncelleştirme v10.2.9 [08.07.2020]
- Fixed some random closes and/or crash errors
- Fixed PServer: CelestialWorld
- Fixed PServer: PandoraMt2
- Fixed PServer: NovaMetin2
- Fixed PServer: GuabinaMt2
- Fixed PServer: Darbe2
- Fixed PServer: Atina2

# Güncelleştirme v10.2.8 [02.07.2020]
- Fixed Error with saving settings
- Fixed PServer: Alba2.es
- Fixed PServer: Worea2.fr Pickup
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Alaska
- Fixed PServer: Typhon2.ro
- Fixed PServer: CelestialWorld
- Fixed PServer: Meliyah2.de
- Fixed PServer: Vidgar.pl Pickup

# Güncelleştirme v10.2.7 [24.06.2020]
- M2bob, en yeni Metin2 istemcisine uygun bir şekilde güncellendi
- Fixed some Access Violation error
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Alaska
- Fixed PServer: RinaMt2.tr
- Fixed PServer: Lidas2.tr
- Fixed PServer: Ashens2.ro
- Fixed PServer: Vidgar.pl

# Güncelleştirme v10.2.6 [18.06.2020]
- Fixed PServer: Omnius2.de
- Fixed PServer: Rubinum2 (HWID Changer added [Bottom of the Launcher][Use with Caution, Beta], CH Changer fixed)
- Fixed PServer: ItsGaja
- Fixed PServer: Worea2.fr
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Alaska
- Fixed PServer: Alba2

# Güncelleştirme v10.2.5 [11.06.2020]
- Added feature to leave low profile mode active longer after the player/GM disappeared
- Added an option for MobOnClick to deal damage instantly instead or just attracting the mob
- Shopbot now supports up to 999 Won
- Fixed issues with Fishpuzzle bot
- Fixed PServer: Astra2.tr
- Fixed PServer: Rubinum2 (look in the thread for more infos)
- Fixed PServer: SunshineMt2
- Fixed PServer: Rival2.ae

# Güncelleştirme v10.2.4 [03.06.2020]
- M2bob, en yeni Metin2 istemcisine uygun bir şekilde güncellendi
- Fixed PServer: Evion2.de
- Fixed PServer: Rodnia2
- Fixed PServer: AgeOfMenor
- Fixed PServer: VenüsMt2.tr
- Fixed PServer: Star2Online.tr
- Fixed PServer: Astra2.tr
- Fixed PServer: Horus2.it

# Güncelleştirme v10.2.3 [27.05.2020]
- M2bob en yeni Metin2 istemcisine uygun bir şekilde güncellendi
- PServer Sorunu Düzeltildi: Metin2Zedania
- PServer Sorunu Düzeltildi: Sepherion2
- PServer Sorunu Düzeltildi: Metin2GoodTimes
- PServer Sorunu Düzeltildi: Janti2.tr (Oto giriş ilk başta çalışmaz, fakat oyundan atınca çalışır)
- PServer Sorunu Düzeltildi: Rubinum
- PServer Sorunu Düzeltildi: Zeros.de

# Güncelleştirme v10.2.2 [18.05.2020]
- M2bob en yeni Metin2 istemcisine uygun bir şekilde güncellendi
- PServer Sorunu Düzeltildi: Metin2GX.ro
- PServer Sorunu Düzeltildi: Metin2Rampage
- PServer Sorunu Düzeltildi: Dreikon.pl
- PServer Sorunu Düzeltildi: Deshia2.pl
- PServer Sorunu Düzeltildi: Elarion2.ro

# Güncelleştirme v10.2.1 [13.05.2020]
- Added new function: Only obtain new young hero weapon after old one expired
- Fixed bug with feature "Run in a circle"
- Fixed bug with Location changer still having effect despite it being disabled
- Fixed a bug "Not Botting" when using QuickStart
- Fixed a bug in the Way-System when walking from monkey dungeon to desert
- Fixed PServer: Nativa2.es
- Fixed PServer: KafalarMt2.tr
- Fixed PServer: LeviMt2.tr
- Fixed PServer: Molten2.ro

# Güncelleştirme v10.2 [06.05.2020]
- Added new Attacking option: Run in a circle (can be used with Waithack)
- Added function to add custom names to be used the account/character/guild creator (Resources\Userdata\names_accountcreator.ini, Resources\Userdata\names_charcreator.ini, Resources\Userdata\names_guildcreator.ini)
- Added function to add custom GM names (Resources\Userdata\gmlist.ini)
- Fixed more bugs related to Upgrade Weapon EQ Script
- Added function "if no monsters attacked for x minutes, then do relog (attack tab)
- Fixed PServer: Nativa2.es
- Fixed PServer: Downside.it
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Curse.ae
- Fixed PServer: M2-Need.tr
- Fixed PServer: Metin2Fun.ro
- Fixed PServer: Rodnia2.ro
- Fixed PServer: Baria2.ac
- Fixed PServer: Rafon2.pl + Fishbot
- Fixed PServer: PandoraMt2.pl

# Güncelleştirme v10.1.10 [29.04.2020]
- Fixed bugs with AutoUpgrade EQ function
- Improved inventory sorting function in the location tab
- Solved annoying windows defender false-positive detections
- Added Spambot Random delay functions
- Fixed issues with some functions randomly turning off
- Fixed message box error "None" after login on GF Servers
- Fixed PServer: Baria.pl Rotation bug
- Fixed PServer: HazeWorld2.it
- Fixed PServer: Landom2.tr and some others: Wallhack now also works with building & trees
- Fixed PServer: Rodnia2.ro
- Fixed PServer: Metin2TC
- Fixed PServer: Rache2.tr
- Fixed PServer: Shenia2.de
- Fixed PServer: Mt2Thrones.ae
# Güncelleştirme v10.1.7 [07.04.2020]
- En yeni Metin2 Sürümü için M2Bob güncellendi
- PickUp listeleri artık ayarlar yüklendiğinde de yüklenir
- Fixed PServer: EuropiaMetin2.it
- Fixed PServer: Worea2.fr
- Fixed PServer: Aphelios2.ro
- Fixed PServer: Northmt2.tr
- Fixed PServer: PhoenixMt2.gr
- Fixed PServer: Itanos2.pl
- Fixed PServer: NovaMetin2
- Fixed PServer: Evion.pl

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